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The Planning Paradise Presents An Annual Karvachauth Celebration in collaboration with Western Gymkhana Club and Pointcook Indian Community Get set ready to celebrate this day with lots of entertainment followed by the karva katha and thali Poojan
Apart from all the excitement and back stage preparations for our upcoming event there was a lot of confusion about the doubling up of the festival dates but keeping in mind the sentiments attached to the fasting on the same day .
We did an audience polling and with the help of you all we have come to a final date Our grand karvachauth celebration of 2018 will be on Saturday the 27th October Thanks for all the patience and sorry about any inconvenience caused due to the confusion
Final Release of Tickets are out book now selling out like hot cakes #solahshinghaar18
For any enquires contact Shraddha : 0433261157 Shaffali : ?0406 105 311?