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Gaana Galatta is an event that is promoting #TamilTalent! This dance competition will feature a variety of genres with some special guest performances from some famous international artists!
We have gathered the top choreographers and dancers from around Sydney to battle it out on stage to then be crowned the inaugural Gaana Galatta champions!
TICKETS: (Please See Below For Seating Arrangment) Gold Admission $30 Silver Admission $25 General admission $20
Pay using the following Bank Transfer Acc No. 1071 1937 BSB: 062-908 Acc. Name: Shashi Senthan
Payment description: [Type of ticket] [No. Of Tix][Name] Example: Gold2Prabhu
If you know someone participating in the show you can let them know to pick up your hard copy tickets! Otherwise message us or put your name in the payment description and we will leave your tickets at the door for you.
For more information about our show, here is our page:
We have 3 judges that will select the winners at the end of the night and they will be revealed in due time 😉 (ahem they are famous!)
Get your tickets ASAP and get pumped for GAANA GALATTA 2018! #GG2018
Dance Kid Friendly