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Kirtan is one of the world’s oldest forms of consciousness-altering music.
The mantras still the mind, and the music frees the soul. Exuberant, poignant and transcendent, Kirtan marries the mysticism of traditional Indian instruments with the devotional intensity of gospel and the potent energy of a rock band.
Sung in call-and-response form, with the entire audience participating, ecstasy is both the process and the product.
Dave Stringer is a Grammy-nominated musician who has been widely profiled as one of the most innovative artists of the modern Yoga movement.
He’s both an inspiring singer and an entertaining public speaker, resolving neuroscience, yoga philosophy and art into a modern participatory theatrical experience.
He is featured in the upcoming film Mantra: Sounds Into Silence and has toured extensively, leading concerts, workshops and retreats all over the world.