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Annamaria Weldon has this to say about her gig,
“Stone was my muse on the Mediterranean islands: weathered farmhouses with external stairways, archways, central courtyards and carved balconies; drystone walls; the hard bedrock worn to ripples and swirls where water flowed from natural springs; strange markings on ancient ashlar blocks, strewn by the wayside like rubble.
Ann Gilchrist spent her childhood on the banks of the Firth of Forth in Fife, Scotland. She came to WA when she was 24. She won her first award for poetry in primary school and has been waiting for another ever since.
Ann has, in her younger years, been a postal worker, check out chick, butcher’s shop assistant, nautical student (still speaks rusty Morse) and a police officer. She is currently a dental nurse.
Ann loves to capture visual images of moments, memories and landscapes in poetry. She views her poems as canvases that don’t need wall space. Creativity is an important part of her life – it helps to keep her relatively sane.
Please join us for an interesting poetry afternoon at The Moon Café, 323 William Street Northbridge this Saturday 2pm-4pm to hear Annamaria Weldon and Ann Gilchrist. Open-mike as always.