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Shaney Aalbers, is a yoga poetess who has learned to master her body and her words with equal amounts of eloquence. A yoga goddess who is as humble as she is inspirational.
Having both led and co-led group yoga experiences in Bali, Hawaii, Mexico, Peru, California, Oregon, and Washington, Vietnam as well as Costa Rica, Shaney is eager to once again explore Australia’s possibilities. Born and raised in the Paci?c Northwest, Shaney thrives and lives in Portland, Oregon. TEACHING PHILOSOPHY
Lightheartedly, Shaney refers to herself as a bit of a gypsy. In the ?rst 10 years of her formal yoga studies, she pursued the in?uence of a number of the industry’s top names and versatile styles, mainly in Oregon, Washington, California, and New York.
Shaney appreciates the idea that she was founded on the ‘people’s republic of vinyasa’, both in her personal practice and teaching methods.
According to certi?cation validations, she collected both “Foundations” and “Advanced Studies” certi?cates from The White Lotus Foundation in Santa Barbara, California.
In 2010 and 2013 Shaney returned to India (her ?rst visit was in 2007) to immerse herself in the wisdom and teachings of the Krishnamacharaya Yoga Mandiram, to deepen her appreciation of the Eastern interpretations, after being steeped in the western ways, and the interpretations and teachings of the industry seniors, who were bringing forth their understanding of the classical methods of yoga.
Grateful for the liberty to create and experiment, Shaney appreciates how the increasing popularization of the vinyasa style yoga has permitted sincere research in the ‘laboratory of sequencing and body play’ that allow her to weave in some of the traditional standards (asana, pranayama, mudra and mantra) and unique techniques that promote both a readiness for, and recovery from, some of the other aspects of life, recreation and sport or play.
With 15 years of bodywork therapy informing Shaney’s “unique” techniques, she has borrowed inspiration from a variety of movement disciplines and thousands of hours of moving bodies around and believes that a thorough joint and soft tissue preparation permits sustainability both in our quality of movement and endurance development, for our ever ?uxing attitudes and emotions.
Shaney will hold three workshops before she heads off on retreat with YOGAWORX in October. the Workshops: “Reading” ” Writing” and “Recess” for more info click the link: