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Learn the skills to perform in hostile environments so that you can be “heard’!
Book now to secure your place – call 1300 374 889, email or visit
You will discover the secrets of becoming a more confident, effective and highly influential presenter. By the end of the workshop, you will have learnt a number of practical skills that can be implemented immediately.
Strictly Limited Numbers.
Your Workshop Package Includes: – Workshop attendance Thursday August 31st, 9am-4.30pm and Friday, September 1st 2017, 9am-4.30pm – Presence, Influence and Finding your Voice Workbook – Eligibility for follow-up masterclasses – Morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea provided on both days – Complimentary access to the Digital Workshop Program to assist in ongoing practice – A copy of Louise’s book ‘Resonate’
Studies indicate that business workshops and off site activities can promote a deeper understanding of professional goals. Away from the distractions and routines of your daily life, these goals and how to achieve them, become your sole focus.
Pricing: $2800*pp ex GST price does not include: transportation, accommodation, breakfast or dinner.