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In 2017, Love is in the Air is raising funds to refurbish the Memory Support Unit (the Dementia Unit).
The Unit provides a safe and loving home for community members living with the advanced effects of dementia disorders, such as Alzheimer’s. Ballan District Health and Care will use funds raised at Love is in the Air to work with Alzheimer’s Australia, staff members and residents to begin refurbishing the Unit’s 14-year-old décor.
We often think of good décor as a luxury, but evidence shows that living in a physical environment that supports memory and cognition can vastly improve the lives of people with dementia disorders. The right upholstery colour can help someone to avoid a fall. The right decorative theme can lessen agitation.
Join us at this important fundraising event by booking your ticket today. Your purchase will help our community to continue the tradition that began in 1944, when we commenced raising funds to provide local healthcare services for our friends, our relatives and our neighbours.
Everyone is welcome: make up a table of 8 or come with a friend or come on your own. It is a wonderful night out.
You can buy your tickets online at The Plough or in person at the Hospital Reception at 33 Cowie Street, Ballan.