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Pratyahara or ‘withdrawal of the senses’ is the fifth element among the Eight limbs of yoga described by Patanjali. By removing sight, a blind folded class lets you explore the practice from within.
Eliminating external distractions creates a quiet, calm space for reflection. Find space to disentangle yourself from outside input and consider ways of being from a different perspective.
The class will involve 1.5 hours of asana, finishing with meditation and an opportunity to journal. All welcome!
Become intimate with gravity, and understand your relating to it in a progressive inversions workshop.
Play with the force of the Earth as you progress towards a more aligned skeleton; a body free of non-functional tensions, a clearer mind and an open heart.
In this workshop we will explore the opposite energies of inversions: energising and soothing; as we invert either with strength and resistance to or with softness and acceptance of the downward force of gravity.
Gravity Dance is an invitation to get upside down, and an opportunity to:
– practice being fully receptive to the present moment – recognising and overcoming limiting patterns of fear and self-doubt – becoming aware of one’s own kinaesthetic sphere and tridimensionality – conditioning the body with intelligent strength to enter, hold and exit inversions safely and access their healing benefits – open-up and connect to others as we help one another in holding the body in alignment as well as in releasing physical and emotional tensions.
This workshop is open to anyone with a regular Yoga practice wanting to deepen their understanding of the body in relation to space and gravity