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Mankind Project Information Night.
This is an opportunity for any man and their partners and friends, to sit in circle and to learn about Mankind Project and the New Warrior Training Adventure (NWTA) weekend.
The ManKind Project (MKP) helps men join together and create communities that foster peace, safety and accountability by unlocking the strength and power of healthy masculinity.
This free information night is open for any man or woman to get a taste of the work that MKP does with men’s support groups and the New Warrior Training Adventure (NWTA), which is a weekend where men take courageous steps to unlock their potential as a centred man via a hero’s journey.
After completing the NWTA men are welcome to join any of the on going I Groups anywhere around the world.
6.45pm for a 7pm start, finish 9.00pm
For more information and to RSVP please contact Michael 0410 507 133
Like the Mankind Project Victoria Facebook page to stay up to date with the events that we are organising. pages/ Mankind-Project-Victoria/