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The chakras are an ancient spiritual technology designed to help people connect more deeply to the relationship between the Self and Divinity.
This workshop will explore how this system can be integrated into your daily Yoga practice to restore balance and promote energetic wellbeing.
Discover how visualization, sound, chanting, meditation and movement can be used to activate and energize the different chakras throughout the body.
Learn how to guide mantras (sounds and vibrations) through the Sushumna nadi. Sushumna nadi is the central channel in a network of subtle channels in the physical body through which life force, also known as prana, is circulated.
This workshop will run in conjunction with the full moon, according to Ayurveda, the full moon is a powerful healing force.
This session will invoke the lunar energy to release what no longer serves us and clear anything that may be creating blockages in the subtle body.
Expect a slow and nurturing practice, perfect for anyone who is curious about deepening their understanding of chakras.