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So Change, Perth, WA
We work for a more inclusive, culturally richer community where migrants, refugees, and diverse communities can reach their full potential.
So Change Inc. (SCI) is a one-stop shop for newly arrived and established migrants and refugees, with an organisational vision of “generations of diverse communities and individuals reaching their full potential in Australia”.
Our mission is to work with diverse communities and individuals to successfully settle in all aspects of community life by:
• Influencing society to build more inclusive communities; • Empowering communities to identify and address settlement challenges; and • Enhancing the employment outcomes of migrants and refugees living in Australia
Currently, we operate across Perth Metropolitan Region, providing a range of services tailored to meet the specific needs of refugees and migrants, including: advisory services, information sessions, short courses and work placements program, community development programs, youth services, parenting and family relationship programs, and aged care and disability services.