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Melbourne Institute of Vocational Studies(MIVS)
United Business College Pty Ltd T/as Melbourne Institute of Vocational Studies (MIVS) is a private provider of Vocational Education and Training (VET).
ABN 85 108 960 596 | RTO 41161 | CRICOS 03514E
Melbourne Institute of Vocational Studies(MIVS) is a private provider of Vocational Education and Training (VET) programs run by its board; the board has Executive Management experience with a goal to deliver qualified personnel in our training Arena.
MIVS is established in 2015, meeting the changing demands of employers and students. For this reason, MIVS is a modern and responsive educational institution that produces excellent students. MIVS is delivering quality training and assessment and is able to adapt to client needs as required.
Furthering your education can take your life in directions you cannot predict or imagine. Choosing where to receive this education is an important step and needs to be considered carefully, especially if you are planning to study.
MIVS can assist you in this decision and ensure that you choose the course that best suits you. We will provide you with opportunities to extend and challenge yourself, thus enriching your life for the better.
In the competitive job market, the quality of training is of the utmost importance in gaining a place in the industry.
The College employs three fundamental principles that serve as the driving force for the services offered:
I Can Speak The Following Languages: Hindi, Telugu and English.