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Kids Session timings - 10am to 11am (Friday)Kids session cost - 8$
Yoga increases kids’ fitness and flexibility, strength and balance
● Yoga improves coordination and body awareness.
● Yoga practice develops children's concentration
● Learning to manage stress better and being better able to regulate their emotions andcalm themselves.
● Studies have also shown that yoga in schools help to reduce instances of problembehaviours.
● Yoga introduces and set kids up for a healthy lifestyle.
● Practicing yoga in schools was shown to help kids make better food choices andengage in more physical activity generally than children who do not do yoga, makingyoga an important tool to help deal with increasing levels obesity amongst children inAustralia.
● Yoga introduces kids to important concepts and skills about wellbeing and health,including an understanding that being healthy is about taking care of not just ourbodies but our minds too.
● Yoga practice has been shown to help reduce depression and anxiety in children.
● Yoga appeals to both sporty and non sporty kids alike. It can give kids who do notlike sport or other physical activities a way to connect with their bodies and beingactive.
● Yoga helps kids who play sport increase their strength, flexibility, coordination,balance and body awareness – all of which will help improve their game and helpguard against injuries.
● Yoga practice in schools has been shown to lead to improved self esteem.
● Yoga encourages a healthy, strong, positive body image. Children love discoveringall the amazing things their bodies can do.
● Yoga classes provide safe and positive learning environment to gently challenge kidsto go beyond limited perceptions of themselves and their capacities
Limited seated..bookings essential..For details/registration contact Rajani @0469348734Thanks