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Smart Education and Visa Services, is a professional Migration and Education Consulting company currently operational in Australia and Nepal. Smart Education and Visa Services brings in more than 5 years of experience in the field of Education and Migration Services. We have successfully enrolled more than 2000 students from overseas and Australia also helped hundreds of qualified professional migrate to Australia since 2013. Smart Education and Visa is dedicated towards providing services to the students in making educational avenues abroad accessible to them. We are a premier esteemed and highly professional consultancy engaged in career counselling and providing authentic guidance to the students seeking higher education overseas.
Smart Education and Visa take care of all application aches. We ensure that students are applying to the educational institution that best fits students profile and that their application is complete. Our personalized services include student VISA COUNSELING too. Smart Education and Visa consultant’s counsellors can guide students through the entire process of arranging their studies abroad from selecting a course, an institution and ensuring that you arrive safely at your chosen destination. Smart Education and Visa is one stop shop to a great career. Smart Education and Visa Services have in-house Qualified Education Agent Counsellor (QEAC: L286) and MARA agent (MARA: 1568443) who oversee the entire process of Student counselling and visa processing.