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Gold Maxx TV is famous for providing best quality images.
Now you can watch GOLD Maxx Tv subscription on all your devices: Mobiles, Tablets, TVs, iPads, Chromecast, Firesticks, Android Boxes or Car players (one at a time)
Simply download our New App like Netflix on all your devices. Login, logout to switch between any devices, anytime, anywhere you wish.
Package includes: all languages Live channels, NEW movies, Web Series, Dramas, VOD, TV serials and 15 days channel recording. Netflix, Amazon Prime, Disney Hotstar, Jio, Zee5, Sony Liv, Apple Tv & many more web series from most OTT platforms as well
Subscription starys from $20 only.
Gold Maxx TV makes it easier for it’s customers to enjoy latest content. Best quality hardware which helps in streaming of program at faster rate. Millions of people use Gold MaxxTV players every day to watch their favorite entertainment instantly and on demand.
Looking forward to hearing from you.