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Desi Tashan at LOQ in Melbourne on 29th November 2014

Mobile: 0424 238 684
Address: Venue 85 Queen Street, Melbourne
City: Melbourne

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Desi Tashan at LOQ in Melbourne on 29th November 2014

  • Venue: 85 Queen Street, Melbourne
  • Date: 29th Nov 2014
  • Time: 10pm onwards

Call 0424238684 for guest list

$20 per head nibbles and finger food


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1 Responses to "Desi Tashan at LOQ in Melbourne on 29th November 2014"

  1. Rakesh Khawas Says:
    Tue 4th Nov 14 6:57pm

    Hi, this event sounds exciting and I would like to get involved as well . Could I please get some more information about this event. Like what activities …. or is it just hindi songs playing and people catching up with each other.
    would really appreciate if you guys could provide me some more info or share the website link.


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