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Practice Channeling on Platform with Athina Bailey in Sydney, 17th November 2017

Telephone: 03 9381 6606
City: Sydney

Make Changes

An evening with Athina, who will host a platform for students and practicing channels.

What is channelling?
Channelling is a natural form of communication with any form of consciousness that expresses itself through the channel.
You can channel almost anything and any beings however in the course we will be focused on angels, archangels, spirit guides, higher self and crystal devas.
?You can either be a deep trance channel or light trance channel and throughout the channelling you remain full autonomy and control of what is happening.

How this event works:
Athina will make a cosmic call out to a being that wants to come through to communicate with the group present. She generally channels Ashtar, and Seraphim collectives and archangels however depending on the group different beings may come through.
The being usually comes through with a message, guidance and a lesson, often specific to certain individuals in the room.

After the message or guidance has come through, the being will often encourage the guests to ask questions. These questions can be specific to your own life, or it can be very general.
Each person will have the oppurtunity to ask one question.

During the channelling Athina goes into a deep trance and usually won’t remember what came through when she comes out of the trance.

On the night there will be other speakers practising their skills from attending the Channelling course with Athina.

7pm arrival and tea (write names on board for platform)
7.30pm gather upstairs
7.40pm first guest
7.50pm second guest
8.00pm third guest
8.10pm break
8.30pm gather upstairs channel with Athina
9.15pm chat and any other talks or practice one on one.

About Athina

Athina is an energy healer, kinesiologist, psychic clairvoyant and channeller. She teaches Reiki, Channelling, Seichim, and more in Sydney and Prague. She works 1:1 with clients as well as through her courses. She is an author and speaker and her biggest passion is empowering spiritual individuals to connect to their own divine abilities, gifts and soul purpose.
For more info on Athina visit

Tickets $30 plus booking fee – available here:


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