Importance of Pitra Paksha ‘Mahalaya’
Author : pt. Jata shankar dwivedi
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Importance of Pitra Paksha ‘Mahalaya’
Pitra paksha is a fifteen days festival of pitras i.e. our ancestors.during these period , it is expected from grandson, daughter, son etc. to do some rituals like tarpan (to give water), pinda (shraddh), asthi viserjan(ashes), annadan(food donation), for poors and brahmans for the satisfaction of the spirit of our ancestors. It is also necessary for us to satisfy their expectation for our own success, healthy mind and body. It is assumed that during these 15 days heaven and earth is in direct contact and thus our ancestors are in direct contact with us. So some relogious act like karma kanda, dan, dharma or any rituals done for our ancestors, will directly received by them. In turn, they Benedict our generation with economical, mental, and physical satisfaction, success and calmness. Then they moved towards heaven after 1 month of pitrapaksha for a year.
It has been explained in the vedas that if ancestars are deprived from food and water during these period they will eat their own flesh and drink their own sweat. So it is a humble request to all respected hindus to help and cooperate us in this work and create awareness in other people to do this rituals(pinda dan) which is an thousands year old tradition of us.
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