Rambo Ranjha After Party in Paddington, Sydney on 26th April 2014
Address: Venue Eleven Nightclub, 11A Oxford Street, Paddington, NSW
Suburb: Paddington
Area: Sydney City
City: Sydney
Rambo Ranjha After Party in Paddington, Sydney on 26th April 2014
A Very Exclusive Party.
Event Details
- Venue: Eleven Nightclub, 11A Oxford Street, Paddington, NSW
- Date: Saturday, 26th April 2014
- Time: 11:00pm – 3:00am
- Pre-Sold: $125 Inc. Entry To Conert and Affter Party
- $150 Inc. General Concert Entry and VIP Club Entry
Buy Tickets Website: stickytickets.com.au/16601
For More Informaiton
- Ginda: 0431 121 785
- Samra 0455 470 775
- Saniya 0452 099 529
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